For our friends in the US, Thanksgiving festivities are due to commence. Originating as a festival of gratitude for the blessings of the past year, friends and family unite to enjoy the holidays. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations of our hearts. The more we open our hearts to gratitude, the more we have to be grateful for. All of us are just so blessed. There are plenty of poses to help us open our hearts and bask in the energy of gratitude. Using an asana with the intention of thankfulness will enhance your life, whether you’re partaking in festivities, or not.
those of you immersed in the celebrations, we all know that, awesome as
it is to be with our loved ones, it can also be stressful, and
sometimes triggering. How disappointing when we’ve been practicing so
hard over the preceding months, and years, to discover we can still have
our buttons pushed! Getting into your heart energy, and focusing on all
there is to be thankful for, can create the right mindset for a
peaceful, and happy, celebratory time.
Poses for gratitude include those that open our hearts, those that have us reach up high, and those that bring awareness to our minds, bodies, and emotions, allowing us to be mindful of distractions and focus on our higher vibrations. Expansive, wide, joyful poses are symbolic of opening to all that is, and giving thanks. Intense stretches will help us release tension allowing a more flexible approach. Restful poses give us space to sink into grateful feelings and integrate a thankful intention. Yoga for gratitude will see us happily through the holidays (or through any experience in life).
Start your session in prayer position (Anjali Mudra). Breathe deeply and set gratitude and an open heart as your intention. Give thanks.
Poses for gratitude include those that open our hearts, those that have us reach up high, and those that bring awareness to our minds, bodies, and emotions, allowing us to be mindful of distractions and focus on our higher vibrations. Expansive, wide, joyful poses are symbolic of opening to all that is, and giving thanks. Intense stretches will help us release tension allowing a more flexible approach. Restful poses give us space to sink into grateful feelings and integrate a thankful intention. Yoga for gratitude will see us happily through the holidays (or through any experience in life).
Start your session in prayer position (Anjali Mudra). Breathe deeply and set gratitude and an open heart as your intention. Give thanks.
Pyramid Pose (Pyramid Parsvottanasana)
Pyramid Parsvottanasana releases tension and invites flexibility into your life. Start in mountain pose. Turn your right foot slightly outwards. Move your left leg forward, creating a wide, but comfortable, stance. Move your arms behind you. Ideally, place your hands in prayer position. Inhale deeply. Lift your chest, looking ahead. As you exhale, bend from the chest toward your left leg. Move your chin toward your chest. Hold. Breathe. Release any tension. On an inhale roll your torso back up from the base of your spine. Place your feet together.
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajaka Potasana)
hip opener is excellent for letting go and feeling easy. From a
Downward Dog Position, bend one knee. Rest it on the floor, a little
wider than your hip, your shin parallel to the front of the mat. Moving
from the hips, fold forwards over the shin, extending the other leg out
behind you. Keep your hips even, pressed to the floor. Extend the
stretch by reaching your hands, palms down, in front of you. Repeat on
the other side.
Locust Pose (Salabhasana) Salbhasana is uplifting and opens your chest and heart area. Lie on your stomach, your arms by your sides, palms facing upwards. Turn your big toes slightly inwards, rotating your thighs. As you exhale, lift your head, torso, arms and legs. Feel the activation in your buttocks. Stretch out through your legs. Push your arms up towards the ceiling. Feel the stretch back through your fingertips. Hold the position for up to a minute, breathing deeply. Exhale. Release back to the floor.
Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
is another fabulous chest opener that extends your heart area and is
uplifting in both body and mind. Lie in Corpse Pose, Turn your palms
flat to the floor. Place them under your buttocks. Arch your spine, and
tilt your head backwards. Gently, tip your head until your crown is
resting on the ground. Hold for approximately 30 seconds. Lift the chest
further by resting your elbows on the floor. Arch the chest upwards. To
release, lower the head, followed by the chest. Rest in Corpse Pose.
Mountain Pose (Tadusana)
Mountain Pose (Tadusana)
a feeling of joy and expansion, and to embody the energy of giving, and
receiving, practice Tadusana with arms high and wide. Stand with feet
hip distance apart. Lengthen through the spine, tailbone tucked in,
activating your core muscles. Put your hands in prayer position and
focus on gratitude as you breathe. Alternatively, sweep your arms wide
above your head as you take a deep inhalation. Hold for several breaths.
Release as you exhale.
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
in Savasana. Lie with your back pressed into the floor. Have your legs
hip distance apart, toes pointing outwards and upwards. Place your arms
at your sides slightly wider than your body, with palms facing upwards.
Breathe deeply whilst focusing on all you have to be thankful for.
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